May 2022 - Present
Mariner Finance is a personal loan business with over 500+ branches in 28 states nationwide. I was hired in the spring of 2022 as the company's first-ever in-house Graphic Designer. With the company's newly rebranded guidelines, I focus on updating all their old branding and providing fresh on-brand designs for new materials. Below is a breakdown of the primary jobs I tackle as a designer in Mariner Finance.
• Review and approve outgoing designs, both internal and external created by others to ensure everything stays on brand
• Create content and manage the company's social media accounts
• Design digital and print on-brand ads
• Design and set up files for print mail pieces
• Work with other departments to create designs as needed
• Assist with the redesigning and branding of the branches
• Create content and manage the company's social media accounts
• Design digital and print on-brand ads
• Design and set up files for print mail pieces
• Work with other departments to create designs as needed
• Assist with the redesigning and branding of the branches
Print Materials
Mariner Finance's primary marketing is through mail peices, whether it is loans by mail, mortgage pieces, or marketing letters. I create new mail pieces every few months that are constantly being tested in order to develop the most effective mail piece.

Social Media
Examples of social media posts marking holidays, events, or job postings.

President's Club Branding
One of Mariner Finance's biggest employee incentives is President's Club. Employees who perform well get to go on an all-expenses paid trip to a new place every year. This past year the trip was to Puerto Rico. I created the brand guidelines that everything from lanyards to sign schedules and social posts followed. We work with an outsourced company to put everything together, and having a brand guideline made the process smoother and more efficient.

Company Mascot

A fan favorite is the company mascot I designed, Mr. Mariner. Designed after the compass rose in our logo, Mr. Mariner appears in both internal and external content. He can be found anywhere from powerpoints, to department intranet pages, to our very own social media posts.

Marketing Ads
I also worked to create new holiday ads. These animated ads are created in Adobe Animate and exported into HTML code to then be added to host websites.

Team Member Appreciation Week
Each year, for the company to show its appreciation to it's employees, Marketing puts together a special week full of themed days and gifts. It is my job to design items for these gifts.

Team Member Appreciation 2022

Team Member Appreciation 2023